Monday, January 28, 2008


Directed by Sylvester Stallone

I know this sounds a little strange, but the Rambo movies hold a bit of nostalgia for me. My mom took me to theatres to see the last two Rambo movies when I was younger. Yes, you read that mom took me. I have special movie memories that I share with my father too. It just so happens that Rambo is the one I share with my mother. There's something about John Rambo that we just really dig on. He's not a perfect man, but he stands for so many things that are good and just. Whether it's the unjust, ignorant police in a small town, the Russians, or warlords from Burma, you can't help but cheer on the guy who wants to make a difference and is willing to sacrifice his life for someone else.
So, with that said, what did I think about the fourth installment in the Rambo saga? I absolutely loved it! Granted, it made the last three movies look something like a cross between tele-tubbies and Mr. Rogers' in comparison. Strong, gritty, gory violence and some other disturbing imagery as well as a heavy dose of "f"-bombs earn this film its "R" rating. It doesn't fluctuate on the "PG-13"/"R" border either. It steps purposely and purposefully over the line with a decided determination and lands itself fully and without doubt deep in "R" territory. Be that as it may, the violence and the profanity are not without purpose. I am not a big fan of violence for violence sake or profanity for profanity's sake. But when these elements are used to advance the plot and character development they work well. Stallone (as co-writer and director) has used these brutal images and strong language to portray character and convey a reality that most of us in the USA will never experience first hand. Maybe, just maybe there is a little bit of an underlying political comment on our situation in the USA...entertain me for a moment, if you will. Peace and diplomacy are good things, no doubt. Unfortunately, it seems that sometimes war is needed to maintain peace because, whether we like it or not, there are evil people out there and all the diplomacy in the world won't amount to a hill of beans. That's not to say that I agree whole heartedly with what we, as a country, are doing currently in the Middle East, but that's another topic for another time. The point is that evil is not subdued with mere speech.
Anyway, Stallone has done a great job with yet another interpretation of one of his older characters (see Rocky Balboa) and I even found myself having to restrain myself from clapping and shouting out loud when he finally showed up and cracked open that "Rambo-can-of-whoop-ass". Wonderfully entertaining and gripping. I sat on the edge of my seat throughout and found myself at the point of tears at the conclusion. What a beautiful way to wrap it all up. Of course, I'm not going to tell'll have to go see it for yourself.

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