At the end of the summer, Kelsey and I headed out to Minnesota for what should have been my fourth year of college. The difference this year was that, Lori was waiting for me when I arrived. I was young and in love and applied all my time and effort to that relationship and, as a result, Kelsey didn't get the attention and love she needed or deserved from me. That is something that is still something of a regret for me. I was, however, conscious of my lop-sided priorities and brought her back to NH for my brother's wedding in October of 1995. My parents, who loved Kelsey, took her as their own dog and she's been with them ever since. Although, I've always still thought of her as mine I know that she was perfect for mom and dad and they were perfect for her. On our visits to my parents I always looked forward to seeing Kelsey. She smiles when she's's quite funny actually.
I didn't know it at the time, but I saw my Kelsey for the last time this past July. She is thirteen years old, which is old for a larger dog. Typically they only live 10-11 years. I received an email from my mother yesterday saying that Kelsey was not doing well and that her heart was having some trouble and that she had spent the last two days with the vet. We knew over the summer that she was having some trouble, but I didn't realize how quickly the condition would go down hill. Last night I received another email from my mother saying that, after much prayer, thought, and consulting with the vet, the decision was made to have her put to sleep since her heart condition had gotten the the point where she was in pain and the possibility of coming home and finding her dead was very real. So, mom and dad had to make that difficult and painful decision. I can't even drive down to see Kelsey one last time because my damn schedule just won't allow it. I'm so grateful that she has had a great life with my parents...they've been so good to her. But, I've always carried and will always carry that regret that I wasn't able to be a bigger part of her life. The cynics would laugh and say, "it's just a dog," but our pets really do become a part of our family and such a big part of our lives.
I'm going to miss our Kelsey gump. Kelsey was not just any ordinary dog, she was special to some of us who were close to the family. My children were always so terrified of dogs, until Kelsey. Kelsey was always so gentle with the kids and taught them that not all big dogs were bad.
I will miss that silly little smile of hers, but will relish the memories we share. Memories like her stealing Steven's sandwich out of his hands, with much stealth and grace. Memories of all of us chasing her out of the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.
I am sorry Eric, that she has passed from this life. Please let Papa and Mama Kay know that we are thinking of them and have said a little prayer.
Eric, I know exactly what you feel. We had a bunny when I was in middle school, and I always felt like I should've been taking so much more care of her, and when she died, it really tore at me. I think it also triggered my near-clinical depression, which I've been dealing with for years since.
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