Monday, November 3, 2008

I hate politics!

I just have to say that I sincerely hate politics in America. Granted, our system seems to be better than any other system out there and I certainly wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
But it seems to me that each party is more interested in being in control than they are in the actual well-being of the American people. Also it seems kind of childish to me the arguments that people are throwing out in opposition to each candidate..."Obama has no experience." Honestly? Is that the best we can come up with? How does one gain experience as a president if not by actually being president? Shy of someone running for their second term, has anyone had the proper experience?
"McCain is too old." What the heck? Really? Is that the best we can do? Most people, I think, would agree that Reagan was one of the finest presidents we've had in the last half a century or so and he was rather old when he took office. And he was a fan of the Rambo movies! No more evidence needed for me that he was a good president!
I'm convinced that if we had a Democrat in office as president and he were to have a ridiculously high approval rating, the Republicans would find something to complain about. And, if we had a Republican president in office with a high approval rating the Democrats would still find something to complain about. Get over yourselves!
Another thing that royally irritates the crap out of me is the "non-biased" press intentionally slanting things to one side. Point and case (regardless of which side of the fence you ride): New York Times front page a few days ago had two pictures. One of a "McCain/Palin" sign in the yard of home that looked decidedly upper middle class. Another photo showed an "Obama/Biden" sign in the yard of of someone clearly less fortunate. No bias there. As it turns out, there's no one in my neighborhood that is wealthy and there are a healthy smattering of signs for both sides. There are as many better-off people voting for Obama tomorrow as there are for McCain. There are also those who are struggling to make ends meet that will vote for McCain, just as there are those who will vote for Obama.
And yet another burr in my saddle is the whole race/sex thing. My daughter (who is 13 and not even able to vote)was asked by another student who she would vote for if she could. We don't typically talk politics in our house unless one of the kids asks our opinions, so I'm proud of my daughter for answering from her own personal conclusions. She told the student that she would probably vote for McCain. The student asking her for her opinion then flat-out called her a racist. What the frak, people? Seriously? Is this what it's going to be about? Vote for Obama/Biden or you're a racist. Vote for McCain/Palin or you're a sexist. The race/sex card should not even be an issue, nor should it be a rebuttle from either side as an excuse for not addressing real issues. I heard someone ask once if "Obama is elected, will the American people be able to be as openly critical and cynical of his administration without being called a racist?" Would they? I don't know. One shouldn't vote for Obama based solely on the basis that he is black. Nor should one vote for McCain based solely on the basis that his running-mate is a woman.
It really shouldn't matter whether someone is black or white/male or female if they are the best qualified to take the helm of our great nation.
I also hate campaign adds of all kinds: federal and local. Why don't we just take the last step down and put our mud-slinging in terms that everyone understands? "Don't vote for so-and-so because he's a moron." "Vote for me because I'm not as big of a poo-poo head as the other person." Can we all grow up and act like we have some degree of pride in ourselves as people and as a country?
So, you ask, which side of the fence to I fall on? Personally, I think that Spongebob and Patrick or even Palpatine and Vader would be better choices. My campaign slogan is "We're Screwed '08."
Seriously, I didn't do this blog to try to convince anyone of my personal political views. You need to vote for who you honestly feel is the best person to lead our country into the future. I motives in this blog have been simply this: to vent my aggravations with politics, regardless of which side I may or may not support. Elections, of any kind, have become a circus and it nauseates me.
No matter what the outcome ends up being, this will be a historic election.

1 comment:

The Organic Nest said...

Hey Man, You crack me up! I totally agree with you! You always write what others think but don't have the ( ) to write :) It's a strange feeling waking up today. I think many Christians voted based on fear of the economic problems etc... instead of basing their vote on who will uphold Godly principles. I could care less about the banks, healthcare, economy, etc... God is still on the throne. He PROMISED that if we'd bring the WHOLE tithe into the storehouse He'd take care of us. Why are people losing their faith in His word. We need to dig into the word and speak IT over our country even more than ever before. Hope you all are well there. Thanks for keeping it real, as usual! Jen