Sunday, March 30, 2008

Let's Play Catch Up

Okay, okay...I know...I haven't blogged about anything lately and I know that you all are not sure which movies to spend your time watching without my input. Just kidding. So, here's the rundown on what to see and what to not waste your time on.

Alvin and the Chipmunks-no academy awards here and I don't like Jason Lee, but it is a fun family film and worth watching.

August Rush-obviously the critics and general public are studpid because this movie didn't do great in theatres and didn't get glowing reviews, but it is fantastic. The soundtrack rocks, the performances by the cast are great, and the story is heart-warming. Rent or buy it and you'll be glad you did.

Sweeny Todd-Is Johnny Depp one of the most versatile actors you've ever seen or what? Tim Burton's films are always interesting to watch (I loved "corpse bride") and this one is no exception. Very entertaining and, of course, very dark and a bit bloody. Cool over all.

Dan in Real Life- wonderful. See it!

Awake-this one was just alright. I suppose it's worth seeing once, but you're not missing much if you don't.

Well, that's about all the movie watching I've been able to do recently. Things have been pretty busy. I'll try to do better:-)

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