Thursday, February 28, 2008


Directed by John Carney
Two handheld cameras, $100,000 budget, and an Academy award. That's pretty impressive. In my opinion, this is a true independent film. Not one that is privately financed by Emilio Estevez or someone with a crap load of money. I know $100K sounds like a lot to you and me, but it really isn't.
As a low budget film, there are things that are more than noticeable-camera man shadows, etc.
One that isn't an aspiring filmmaker may not enjoy this movie as much. The acting is weak in places and strong in others. The music, however, is great all the way through the movie.
This is one that I wouldn't mind having on my shelf, simply because of what it is...a true and well done independent film.

Michael Clayton

"Michael Clayton"
Directed by Tony Gilroy
One this year's Best Picture nominations, Michael Clayton delivers. Great acting and well thought through writing create an engaging drama/suspense feeling. Not a lot of action for those of you that like to see random things blowing up. There is some, but most everything here is drama and carried by the great cast.
Speaking of the cast...I've never been a big Clooney fan (he's so lucky Batman and Robin didn't ruin his carreer), and while he was great (nominated for an Academy award) I still can't help but being more impressed with Tom Wilkinson's acting. Everytime I see him in something I'm simply blown away. He's amazing. If you see this film for no other reason, see it for Tom Wilkinson's performance. The story is good, though. Hang in there and don't be thrown off by the begining "4 years earlier" thing. It pays off fairly well.
And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spiderwick Chronicles

"Spiderwick Chronicles"
Directed by Mark Waters

Another children's fantasy series turned film. Unlike Eragon, which I didn't like very much (I couldn't even get through the book either), I found myself enjoying this film. My daughter, Allison (who has read all the Spiderwick books), and I went out to see it. We both had different expectations: I had never read the books and the bar was very low. Allison had, like I said already, read the books and was already skeptical that they shoved all five books into one 97 minute movie. While she says she enjoyed her date with dad, she also said she wasn't as impressed with the movie as she had wanted to be. That happens a lot when you've read a book first.
I, on the other hand-with my expectations set low, found the film to be paced well, written fairly well, acted out well, and was original enought that it was not distracting. It was quite entertaining and engaging. While there were elements that felt Potter-esque and bits of Lewis and Tolkien here and there, there was still enough original thought and story that I wasn't constantly going "Yep, there's Rowling's work stolen...and there's Tolkien..." I did do that through Eragon-which, by the way, is almost the exact same plot line as Star Wars. Call me sometime and I'll give you my thoughts on that.
Anyway, a good family fantasy film. Check it out.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Customer Service

I'll ask you in advance to forgive the random nature of this blog and any gross spelling or grammar errors. It's around 3:30 AM and I'm sitting at the computer having something of a coughing fit and I'm waiting for the medicine to kick in before I go back to bed. Blah blah blah...
I've thought on this for a week now and thought I'd finally share. Last week my wife, Lori, and I went out for Valentine's day/my birthday. In addition to dinner (and the beautiful flowers I bought her...I know-what a romantic) I wanted to find a new pair of shoes for my birthday...a pair of Doc Martens-black, to be precise. So, we started at Journey's at the Fayette Mall. Now, for starters, let me say that I sort of understand why I can't get any service at Abercrombie...Let's face it, I'm don't look nearly young enough to shop there (not that I could afford it anyway) and I'm just now approaching the age where I have children that are "Abercrombie aged". Journey's, however, is a shoe store and doesn't seem, to me, to carry the same snooty, rich-kid attitude that Abercrombie does. So we walk in to join the very small handful of other customers perusing shoes. There are three, a male and two females, employees standing at the counter doing...well, nothing. I pick a shoe up off the display and look towards the guy at the counter thinking that this is enough to get his attention. As it turns out, simple eye contact doesn't mean anything. I had to kind of wave the shoe around a bit before he rolled his eyes and trudged over to us. "Can I help you?" Did he really need to ask? Wasn't it obvious? While I found the lack of help annoying, I was able to write it off by saying, "well, they are rather young and young people today just don't have the same work ethic or customer service skills-I blame the parents," and I felt better. Then...
After a couple more stops at places that didn't carry Doc Martens, we thought we'd try Dillards. After coming to the conclusion that Dillards is an easy place to get turned around in and find yourself wondering, "Where the frack am I, and how do I get out?" we found the shoes. Woot! Woot! Here's the scene: Two salesmen, both older than myself-at least in the forties or fifties, one not-so-old and fairly attractive female customer, and us. One of the employees is standing behind the counter smiling, laughing at the other employee and the customer as they have a decidedly one-sided conversation. Oh, and he's eyeing the fairly attractive lady up and down...yeah, it was pretty obvious. He does, however, break his daydream of things that will never happen in his lifetime to make eye contact with us as I am holding a shoe and looking back at him. Nothing. The set of younger boobs in front of him seemed to cancel out everything else. No worries there was still the other salesmen who was sure to have better service skills than his silent, creepy partner. Nope. He was so sure that with his 1970's bald on top with long ratty pony tail in back hair cut and his mindless banter, that he had a chance with this woman who was half his age. Not only did he seem to think that he had a chance, but he actually seemed to think that she was actually interested in what he was saying. "My great, great, aunt actually sailed with pirates and...blah blah blah...Blackbeard...blah blah blah...." I know what the woman was thinking because it's the same thing I would be thinking in her place, "Does this guy ever shut up?"
It the midst of his "I've got something cool to say...don't you think I'm cool and sexy" monologue, he did manage to also notice me holding a shoe and looking at him. Eye contact! I was sure I'd get help now. Not even a nod or anything. He just went on yaking and yaking, completely oblivious to the line of drool that was leaking out of the woman's mouth as his speech went on and on and on killing more of the woman's brain cells. Poor thing, too polite to tell him to "Shut the heck up! No one give a crap about your great, great aunt." Instead she was probably late for some important engagement and now "Gar! I'm related to pirates man" has held her up. I was furious. What was funny is that he really thought she cared about what he was saying and found him interesting. If he had paid attention to body language he would have noticed that she was really thinking, "Oh my God! I want to stab myself in the heart with a dull object! Doesn't he know that his hair do went out in the late 70's?" Granted, the woman was far better looking than myself, but that's irrelevant! I'm a customer too and I'm wanting to actually spend money. This lady had either already made her purchase or wasn't buying anything and yet out of two people, one of which wasn't involved in the conversation (not counting the lady you wasn't participating in the conversation either), offered us no help. Not a "Hey, how are you" or a "Let me know if you need anything" or "I see you're holding up a shoe and probably need me to check on a size for you. I'd love to since that's what they pay me for." I even waved the dang shoe around a little bit. Lori suggested that I ask for help. "They are both looking right at me, they're standing no more than five feet away, and I'm waving the shoe. I shouldn't have to ask. Forget it! I wouldn't buy shoes from these idiots anyway." I said that out loud...honestly. I don't think they heard me over the pirate conversation though. I mumbled something highly inappropriate, slammed the shoe down and walked away, inevitably in the wrong direction since I had lost brain cells while I was subjected to the mindless jibber jabber.
If I was annoyed by the Journey's employees, I was nothing short of pissed off at the Dillards employees. They were older and should have known better. At least I think so. Even at little Blockbuster here in Versailles, we greet the customers as they come into the store and never ignore one with a question in favor of annoying a more attractive customer with mindless stories. What happened to good customer service?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

30 Days of Night

"30 Days of Night"
Directed by David Slade

The only horror films that I really enjoy watching are Vampire films. There's some out there that aren't very good and others that are. I still enjoy them regardless and am, in fact, collaborating on a script concerning vampires.
30 Days of Night is one that I wanted to see in the theatres, but never got the chance to do so. So I had to wait for it to come out on DVD, which it does this coming Tuesday-February 26. One of the perks of being a Blockbuster employee is that I get to watch the new DVDs the week before they are released. I digress...
I couldn't wait to watch the movie. Like a lot of vampire films it didn't have the "B movie" feel. So right of the bat we're ahead of the curve. This is also a movie that falls solidly into the horror genre, and yet is not full of gratuitous nudity or sex. It can be done.
If you like vampires or like movies that are at least somewhat scary, then you've got to check this one out. If the premise (a town in Alaska where it is dark for 30 days, and vampires only come out when there's no sunlight) doesn't grab you as interesting and moderately unique, then the visuals will grab you. This film has a great look to it and while there is no gratuitous sex/nudity, there is plenty of gratuitous violence. But, honestly, it wouldn't have been right in this instance to have no violence. There were a couple times when I cringed and said "Oh, dear" out loud. I wan't tell you'll just have to watch it for yourself.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Final Thoughts This Football Season

I don't know if any of you noticed this today, but it was raining? You know why? Because God was weeping over New England's loss last night.
Seriously, though, I want to share some thoughts to complete this season. A couple of random thoughts first: My son was told on the buss today that the Patriots suck. This is of course a completely assanine statement. A team doesn't suck because they lose any game. My son repsonded with a perfectly valid anwser from one who is upset by the loss of his team. He said, "New York cheated." Bravo, son! The boy then hit Thomas over the head with his book bag. Not cool! And since my son suffers from the same condition I do (the I-am-too-nice-syndrome) he didn't say or do anything about it. Neither did the bus driver. It seems as thought I'm going to have to teach my son to throw a good right hook or jab or something.
The second thought is this: My phone rang three times last night after the game. I was in bed with a fever (I was physically sick for reasons not involving the game) so I didn't answer it. I got the messages this morning. Those that know me well know better than to call and harrass me over a New England loss. One friend tried to call this morning and I didn't answer because I was in bed. He messaged me and said "I'm not calling to make fun of you, I just wanted to chat." There's a guy who knows me. He also said the last time he gave a hard time I cussed at him. Very possible since I'm pretty dang passionate about my football. At any rate one of my friends, whom I have gotten to know better in the last year hasn't learned this lesson yet and left a voice mail for me saying, "I just called to give you a hard time about the super bowl! Love you, man." I know he's just playing, but I don't think it's funny. I'm funny that way and I would never do that to someone.
At any rate...
So let's look at this season. Are the Giants the best team in the NFL because they won the Super Bowl? Is the Super Bowl anything more than an over-the-top hyped up regular game? Do the Pats suck because they lost the Super Bowl?
I think the bowl game is over hyped and too long because of those friggin' commercials. That's just my opinion and I know that some of this may sound like a dissappointed fan talking...maybe it is a little, but I think you'll find some truth here. What was the Pats record for this season? Counting the loss of the SB they finished at 18-1. The Giants were 10-6. A flash in the pan who lucked out against Green Bay. And they had some lucky calls and plays last night as well. for example: The I'm almost sacked, throw it up because I think I'm a Brett Favre god and fortunately it doesn't get picked by #22. So, sure I would rather have gone 19-0 with a fourth SB title or I would have rather lost a regular season game and won the SB. Which by the way still would have looked like this: 18-1. But, it goes without argument that the Pats were by far the most superior team consistantly in the NFL this season. I dare you to try to argue that. How many team and NFL records did the Giants break this season? I think they were like the third wild care team ever to win a SB. And...? How may did NE break? Right, I lost count too.
Will NE be back in the runnings next season? You better count on it. So just like brother Peyton, Eli is a flash in the pan one SB wonder who may go back, but it won't be next year. And yes, there was a little bitterness in those words, because now the Giants have become the second team on my list of teams that I hate and will root against no matter who they play.
I've never been a cocky fan who thinks his team is undefeatable and I never will be. You'll never hear me give someone a hard time (unless of course they give it to me first) because their team lost. I'm bitter, yes, but I'm a good sport. That is why I'm venting here.
Lastly, Tom Brady is still the best looking quarter back in the NFL.
Until next season...Peace out

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Good Luck Chuck

"Good Luck Chuck"
Directed by Mark Helfrich

Okay, I like movies and I usually like to look for the good in all films. I do this because usually there is some good things to even the worst films-not always, but a lot of times. I'm aware that most of my reviews are fairly positive, so I'm going to throw you a negative one here and I know there are those that will disagree with me. That's okay, though. What fun would life be if we all saw eye to eye?
I'll start with the blunt and non-sophisticated response...I thought "Good Luck Chuck" would have been more aptly named "You Suck Chuck".
I liked Dane Cook in "Employee of the Month," it was wicked funny. Here, though, painfully short on funny. A promiscuous, horn-ball, man whore? Yes. Funny? Not a chance.
I also usually like Jessica Alba. Yeah, yeah, some of that's because she's beautiful, but I also like her disposition on screen. In this film, however, at best she was cute...not funny, mind you, just simply cute.
There was moderate chemistry between Cook and Alba which is more than I can say for the writers. They obviously thought that more boobies equals more laughs. Not the case. More boobies equals...well, more boobies, which is nothing but trash when it's done for the sake of shock value, cheap laughs, and exploitation. Countless directors have done nudity tatefully and with class. Helfrich, however, did not seemed to be concerned with taste or class.
In short...I hated this film and would have rather spent the hour and a half sawing my arm off with a dull piece of scarp metal. You would have a lot more fun going to an airport terminal and yelling "BOMB!" at the top of your lungs. Don't waste your time, since it is precious.
Don't be deceived by the trailer. Remember the job of the trailer guy is to make the film look appealing.
Not funny:


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

"The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"
Directed by Andrew Dominik

Don't the ridiculously long title detour you from seeing this very artistic film.
I wasn't sure what I was expecting from this picture, although I guess I assumed it would be a shoot 'em up western. This isn't the same type of western that we've been seeing resurface in recent years. While the film is, admitingly, slow in places it is never boring. It managed to keep my interest piqued. Of course, I love history and I'm aware that not everyone does. So, it is fair to say that this movie will probably not hold a mass appeal. However, if you like the tasteful, artistic, and,at times, gritty, then you'll enjoy this unique film. It is definintely worth checking out. For film students this is a great example of well composed shots.

Across the Universe

"Across the Universe"
Directed by Julie Taymor

While I'm not a giant fan of
musicals (particularly when random dialogue is sung for no good reason), there have been a few as of late that I've enjoyed. Dreamgirls was the first one that I enjoyed, followed by Rent, and then Hairspray. Now, it's Across the Universe.
Taymor gives us a great looking film. It's funny, quirky, engaging, and sometimes down right strange, but it's all good.
Without a doubt this is a politically charged piece. It brought back to my mind some of the questions that I'd asked myself recently. For example, "Are we on the brink of another 'Vietnam' in Iraq?" I think it's beginning to look like that. Despite being set in the 60's during the Vietnam war, the film is shockingly relevant to us today.
This is one for you to check out and one for me to add to my personal collection. Oh and let's not forget that you'll want to own the soundtrack! This is such a great and tasteful remakes of some of the Beatles' greatest songs.