Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kelsey's last day

Well, as I'm writing this I have to confess that I've been something of an emotional wreck the last couple of days. Today is the day when my parents take Kelsey to the vet for her to be put to sleep. My son, Thomas, woke me up this morning with a stuffed animal tucked under his arm: a dalmatian, that he's had for several years now, he named Kelsey so that when he wasn't in North Carolina with her he'd have her close by. It was no accident that he had that stuffed animal under his arm this morning. I saw that and I just held him for a while. He even made my dad put the phone up to Kelsey's ear last night so he could say good-bye. I couldn't keep it together.
I read two things this morning that touched me deeply as it relates to Kelsey and my last blog. The first was an email that my mom had sent me in regards to my regret mentioned in my previous blog. She said that God doesn't hold our regrets against us and neither should we. That's easier said than done. The second was in a bulletin my brother, Gregg, posted on My Space. He said that we go through life and too often take for granted the people and the things (pets, etc) that are in our lives and even take for granted the love that we are shown. It's true, we do that. Our lives get so busy that we miss the little acts of love that we are shown everyday by those around us. How sad is that? I think that these little acts of love that come from our friends, loved ones, and yes, even our pets, are one of the many ways that God says "I love you" to us.
The last thought that I had on this topic blew my mind...I was putting together pictures for a project in a class and one of those pictures was of the earth, taken from a shuttle mission. Breath taking. Then I heard a song as I was driving: "God of wonders beyond our galaxy...the universe declares your majesty..." These two things reminded me of my astronomy class a couple years back and it seems amazing to me that as insignificant as we, as people, are in the grand scheme and scope of the universe, that the maker of it all is intimately interested in the details of our lives. Even down to Kelsey. It's incredible to think that this morning, with everything else going on in the world, that God feels the sorrow of my family at the loss of Kelsey. I guess it blows me away because nothing comes in and out of our lives that God doesn't notice or care about. I'll take comfort in that.

1 comment:

K. Scofield said...

Oh gosh. I am so sorry for you families loss. I can feel the pain, in both yours and Greggs blog's. Kelsey is going to a happier place, I do believe this, I have to believe this. I have lost far too many animals that I loved with all my heart, to not believe they are in Heaven, waiting for me. :)
Love you guys! Keri