Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You know what really pisses me off?

I'm an interesting paradox of a person. I like to be spontaneous and am certainly not an introvert. However, I can be pretty uptight at times. I like things a certain way and have a certain rhythm in which I live my life. When this rhythm is thrown off due to lack of get it.
So, my manager at Blockbuster is out on maternity leave and has been for two weeks. That's TWO weeks to figure out how to get our checks to us on time. On time is 10AM Wednesday (every other Wednesday). So, no checks at 10AM today. I promised Thomas and my nephew, Kyle, that we could go out and do something, including buying Thomas a new winter jacket which he so desperately needs. I call the store at 10, and like I said, no checks. I stop by at checks. This really aggravates the ever loving crap out of me. I have bills to pay, a check to the drawer that went to the bank this morning and I don't have a freaking check to put in the bank yet! Guess what...banks are closed tomorrow!
Then to make my life's rhythm even more off-beat...the new movies at work (which we normally get between Wednesday and Friday the week before they are released) came in on Tuesday. Hooray, I'll have a whole week to watch them, right? NOPE! In an attempt to make more money over the holiday weekend the owner put them all out. A WEEK EARLY! Prince Caspian and Wanted are the ones that I wanted to watch particularly. I'm pissed about this for two primary reasons. One, I don't make a lot of money so my free rentals and the ability to watch the new movies before they are released are perks that make it worth while. Two, companies have a release date on their films for a reason. It is technically a violation and subject to huge fines to rent or sell them earlier than the release date. The owner does this on a regular basis with smaller title releases which is also annoying since there are some that I actually want to see. But with a Disney release? As an independent franchise owner, would you like to get fined by a company that large? It would totally sink you! No one else is able to generate extra income on next week's releases over the Thanksgiving weekend. Why should Versailles Blockbuster?
I honestly have half a mind to turn his release-date-violating-butt in.
I feel better now that I've vented.


Zack H. said...

Dude, I don't wanna alarm you, but it might be time for a new job.

Heather said...

So, if you do take Zack's advice, hit someone in the back of the head with a dvd on your way out. That does suck! Prince Caspian and Wanted were both amazing--and totally shouldn't be put out early! Boo!