Thursday, January 24, 2008

For the Few

This doesn't apply to everyone who will read this, but I just had to get it off my chest. You want to know what one of my pet peeves is? Good, because I'm going to tell you! I try to take the time to read all of my friends' blogs and I always leave comments unless I feel I have nothing useful to say. I'll even read and leave comments if the blog had nothing useful to say. Granted, there's times when I have nothing to say...those times are few and far between, but they do happen on occasion. Anyway, I say all that to set up my pet peeve: When people post blogs and beg the readers to leave comments-so I do-but I never have any comments left on my blogs by those people. Here's the deal: Practice what you preach, do unto others, etc and whatever you want to label it with, do it. Don't expect others to take the time to read your blogs (whether they are interesting or meaningless is irrelevant, it still takes time out of people's busy schedules) and leave comments when you yourself are not willing to reciprocate. Be a reciprocater (if that's even a word...but you know what I mean- one who reciprocates), for heaven's sake!