Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Wife

Contrary to what some of you out there may think, I was not forced into doing this blog by anyone:-) I just wanted to put some things out there in an attempt to find ways to show my wife how much I love her and appreciate her. I tell her these things of course, but it's nice to tell through the things we do. So, for those of you that don't already know...
I have the greatest wife in the world. Not only has she stayed with me for 12 years, not an easy accomplishment since I'm far from perfect, but she is so supportive and encouraging. I have huge plans, dreams, and goals. Not once has she ever tried to sway me away from those passions. Not once has she ever told me that I'm foolish and unable to succeed. Not once has she given me the breakdown on the odds of making it in the film business. She believes in me. That in itself is a very empowering thing. Because she believes in me, I believe in me. It'll be an interesting and long journey and I don't want to make it alone. I want her right there with me every step of the way. When we finally arrive at our destination, I want us to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment together. I don't want our relationship to be like the axiom, "behind every successful man is a good woman." I'd rather have her standing right next to me, holding my hand, and an intricate part of what I'm doing.
Even these words, seem to fall painfully short of how thankful I am to have a woman that puts up with me and loves me the way she does. I can't imagine my life without her and I certainly wouldn't be the man I am today without her support and encouragement.
Thanks Lori. You're the best and I love you!

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